Poster Session 3
Bryan L. Aaron, MS (he/him/his)
Medical Student
University of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Katherine Neff, BA, MPH
Medical Student
University of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Fei Cai, MD
Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellow
Oregon Health & Science University
Portland, OR, United States
Luke P. Burns, MD
MFM Fellow
University of Chicago Medicine
Chicago, Illinois, United States
The application Apify was used to compile information about the most-liked videos with the #Pitocin tag on April 26th, 2023. Two reviewers assessed 169 videos for eligibility and excluded 73 videos due to irrelevance or unavailability, resulting in 96 videos for analysis. We used a natural language processing tool, Valence Aware Dictionary for sEntiment Reasoner (VADER) to assess the polarity (positive/negative) and intensity (strength) of emotion of the video description text. The VADER score range was -1 to 1, with -1 indicating a highly negative sentiment, and 1 indicating a highly positive sentiment. Regression modeling was performed with VADER score as the exposure variable and the number of likes on the video as the response variable. More than a quarter of the most popular TikTok videos tagged #Pitocin had negative sentiments regarding IV oxytocin infusion, based on video descriptions. There was no statistical association between the popularity of a video and its sentiment score.
Results: The 96 reviewed videos with the #Pitocin tag had a total of 19,430,700 plays and 1,882,839 likes and averaged 60.4 seconds in length. 8 videos were removed from VADER analysis due to absent captions. Of the 88 video descriptions analyzed, 30 (34.1%) had values greater than 0, 23 (26.1%) had values less than 0, and 35 (39.8%) had values equivalent to 0. The adjusted R-squared value was equivalent to -0.002. VADER score did not significantly predict the number of likes on videos (β1= 7463, p-value = 0.89).