Poster Session 4
Nicholas Stansbury, MD
UT Health
San Antonio, TX, United States
Katie Kolp, BS
UT Health
San Antonio, TX, United States
48 prenatal vitamins were included with 58 different active ingredients. The top 5 most common were: Vitamin D (94%), Vitamin B6 (94%), Vitamin C (92%), Vitamin E (92%), and Vitamin B12 (92%). Folate and Iron were contained in 89% and 75%, respectively. 44% of prenatal vitamins contained all ingredients recommended by ACOG and only 31% contained all the vitamins and minerals in the recommended dosages. The prices ranged from 0.11-2.98$ per-serving.
Conclusion: While they are many prenatal vitamins that contain a wide variety of supplements, only about 1/3 of the top 50 prenatal vitamins listed on Amazon contained the recommended vitamins and minerals at recommended doses in accordance with the ACOG recommendations. Furthermore, some of the most well-studied prenatal ingredients including folate and iron were only contained in 10 and 25% of the most common prenatal vitamins, respectively. In a time when many patients utilize online shopping for their basic needs, including prenatal vitamins, practitioners need to be aware that not all prenatal vitamins are created equally. Moreover, there is a wide range of costs per serving associated with prenatal vitamins with no correlation between cost and recommended ingredients or dosages. Practitioners should educate themselves on common vitamins with the recommended dosages.