Associate Professor
Program for Surgery and Social Change and
I am a Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology at the Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden. I completed my M.B.,B.S from King Edward Medical University in Lahore, Pakistan. My Ph.D from Lund University (2019) focussed on the role of umbilical cord blood sampling in predicting neurodevelopmental handicap in infants later on in life. My current research interests revolve around maternal-fetal medicine and include: umbilical cord blood gases, Cesarean birth, COVID-19 in pregnancy, fetal-monitoring, socio-economic determinants of health, quality of maternal healthcare services, maternal health advocacy and strengthening of maternal-child healthcare systems in low resource settings. I am currently a Paul Farmer Research Fellow at the Program of Global Surgery and Social Change, Harvard Medical School.